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Showing posts with label wow. Show all posts

18 March 2015

Succeeding at giving way

A rolling mass of stone and earth is loose around the room, devouring anything, living or inanimate, in its path. Turning a corner, you breath a sigh of relief, having gained distance from the voracious being known as Oregorger. You are safe for now.

Unexpectedly, as if in an instant, the unstoppable goren zips to the intersection you just passed. Dazed by the collision against the wooden picket fence, it halts for a bit, although you know it will be mere seconds before it makes off again, almost certainly in your direction.

Run away: Turn to page 87
Try to run behind it: Turn to page 155
Turn the next corner: Turn to page 172

In the second phase of the Oregorger encounter in Blackrock Foundry, the namesake boss drops whatever it is doing and enters a Rolling Fury. At first it may seem random, but the motion observes a few very simple rules:

22 February 2015

WoW Mathematics: Scavenging for Resources

Garrison missions are a great way to earn Garrison Resources, of which rewards may be further boosted by assigning followers with the Scavenger trait. Unfortunately, followers with Scavenger may not also have the required counters for the mission, and so a question arises: maximise the success chance of the mission, or boost the potential rewards up for grabs?

This commander has received the mission Out of His Element, which offers 48 Garrison Resources as a reward. He or she has the choice of assigning Auriel Brightsong, whom has a needed Group Damage counter for a 100% success chance, and Greatmother Geyah, whom has Scavenger, adding a further 200% Garrison Resources for a successful mission. Whom should he or she assign?

Treasure awaits!

  • To maximise Garrison Resources over the long term, the commander should assign Greatmother Geyah to Out of His Element.

08 February 2015

Succeeding at not getting motion sickness

It is commonly accepted that normal computer use will not physically harm humans. While flashing images for epilepsy sufferers is a well-known exception, another can be found in the Hans'gar and Franzok encounter in the Blackrock Foundry.

This encounter is characteristic in that most of the floor area is moveable conveyor belts, filling much of the screen (and, by extension, the field of view) with apparent motion, even though none is felt sitting at the keyboard. In the more queasy of players, this can result in motion sickness, producing dizziness, nausea and maybe even vomiting. Given how crippling this is to raid performance, how are you supposed to handle it?

The Lightwell method
Look deep into my eyes... if you can find them.

Since nausea can arise when you see movement but do not feel it, the most obvious solution is to look at something on the screen that is not moving. The user interface (UI) elements, such as actionbars and nameplates, are options, although they might be too far into the peripheral field to focus on. Some environmental alternatives include:

18 January 2015

Plight of the Pandaren

Meet Pguinto, a pandaren Holy priest on realm Frostmourne-US. When not administering hugs on short notice, he likes to disrupt the operations of the Iron Horde with other, like-minded adventurers. Thus far, he enjoys life and what it has to offer, but has recently noticed smoke on the horizon.

Living on a PvP (player-versus-player) server, Pguinto has had his share of being ganked, but has noticed its worsening since his entrance to Draenor. Now, when he survives another day unscathed, he breathes a sigh of relief for not needing to die to a random Alliance adventurer, killing him for reasons he cannot fathom. Unfortunately, this fearful experience is common to all Wandering Isle pandaren, Huojin and Tushui alike.

Common name: Pandaren
Scientific name: Ailuropoda sapiens
AUCN conservation status: Endangered
Estimated individuals remaining worldwide: 1.1 million (6.3%)

10 June 2014

Gatecrash Investigation: A Wrinkle in Time [Documentary Transcript]

The trial of Garrosh Hellscream. The world's most wanted war criminal is due to answer for his many atrocities.

Lorewalker Pao: What a tense atmosphere it must have had! Needless to say, the whole thing was a powder keg ready to go off.

Suddenly, during Garrosh's crucial sentencing, a storm breaks out in the courtroom, with no apparent reason why. In the midst of the chaos, the Accused is nowhere to be found. Investigators are to uncover a minor flaw in the procedures and a plot to span the ages.

Anduin Wrynn: It felt quite surreal, to have held yourself as you died...


This is a true story. It is based on "official reports" and "eyewitness accounts".

N.B. Spoilers for World of Warcraft: War Crimes after the jump


21 May 2014

Azeroth v Hellscream [31] ToWT 1 [Law Report]


N.B. Spoilers for World of Warcraft: War Crimes after the jump

Case title
Azeroth v Hellscream
Medium neutral citation
[31] ToWT 1
Year of decision
ES 31
Customary international law - Criminal
Yu’lon (juror)
Xuen (juror)
Chi-Ji (juror)
Niuzao (juror)
Taran Zhu (fa’shua (judge))
Pandaria (prosecution)
Grand Alliance (prosecution)
Horde (prosecution)
Red Dragonflight (prosecution)
Garrosh Hellscream (Accused)
Chu’shao (counsel)
Tyrande Whisperwind (Accuser)
Baine Bloodhoof (Defender)

Nolo contendere (no contest)
Nolo contendere
Forcible transfer of population
Nolo contendere
Enforced disappearance of individuals
Nolo contendere
Nolo contendere
Abduction of children
Nolo contendere
Nolo contendere
Killing of prisoners
Nolo contendere
Forced pregnancy
Nolo contendere
Wanton destruction of cities, towns, and villages not justified by military or civilian necessity
Nolo contendere

13 May 2014

Guide to the Pandarian Judiciary [Brochure]

Welcome to Pandaria's court system! If you are reading this, you are probably sitting a court session right now. The Pandaren population prides itself in its judiciary, delivering a fair and well-considered outcome for all.

The foundation on which Pandaria's justice system is built is the rule of law, that no one person is above justice. Pandaria thus takes due process seriously, and will do that necessary to uphold it. To help make sure you do not find yourself at the wrong side of dungeon bars, please read on.

N.B. Spoilers for World of Warcraft: War Crimes after the jump

Judge, jury and executioner
Pandaria acknowledges foreign court systems in which the one person, usually the head of state, ultimately decides the fate of the Accused (defendant). However, in keeping with the rule of law, Pandaria separates its roles:

    27 September 2013

    Guide to the Siege of Orgrimmar Ending Cinematics

    This is it; the Siege of Orgrimmar, as well as the (substantial) Mists of Pandaria expansion, concludes. The final cinematic may only be two or so minutes, yet it is steeped in context and prior lore.

    Take it all at face value and much will be missed. However, armed with the right knowledge, not only can these events be fully appreciated, but insights into Azeroth's future can even be gained...

    N.B. Spoilers for the Siege of Orgrimmar raid after the jump
    N.B. Unless otherwise noted, references to "execution" refer to the execution of the death penalty

    The (obligatory) synopsis
    As is to be expected of any partisan affair, the Horde and Alliance each have their own version, although much of the experience is shared.

    21 September 2012

    Eulogy at the Funeral of Kinndy Sparkshine [Eulogy]

    As delivered by Archmage Jaina Proudmoore

    Apprentice Kinndy Sparkshine… how so full of potential you held. To see your life – and living – cut short by a most heinous, brutal, and cowardly of ways to wage war… it shocks me, and no doubt all others of reason, down to the very essence of the being. Even though you have passed on, dearest Kinndy, your legacy yet lingers, one that may well herald peace in this world mired in conflict.

    You had always showed a passion for your studies, Kinndy. Your youthful energy, unrestrained like the arcane itself, got you through your gruelling readings and lab sessions. It had fed the asking of endless questions on the most mundane. <Caesura for laughs> And, perhaps, it had galvanised your optimism for the future, one of quiet devotion to magic, innocent of the horrors of battle…

    18 September 2012

    ARCANE EXPLOSION [News Article]


    Horde razes Alliance-controlled Theramore Isle with both sides committing fully to War
    Warchief Garrosh Hellscream questioned over tactics used

    [Pguinto-Frostmourne-US], 17th day of 9(1) KC 621
    N.B. Spoilers for Golden, C (2012) (World of Warcraft: Jaina Proudmoore: Tides of War) after the jump

    RUINS OF THERAMORE – The Horde attacked Theramore Isle today in the latest development of the Alliance-Horde War. Despite historical reluctance, this attack drew fully the Grand Alliance into it for the first time.

    The razing was intended to weaken the morale of the Alliance; instead, the violation of sovereignty gave reason to fully commit.

    31 August 2012

    Azeroth Mass Transit Network Map [Map], updated for Mists of Pandaria

    Note: The omission of node Theramore Isle and route The Lady Mehley is tentative until further information is made available.

    The following series of maps serves as a reference for mass transit services provided to citizens of the Alliance and Horde.
    The style used in the map departs from traditional methods of accurately charting landmasses and routes; instead, it aims for simplicity. It has been inspired by the highly stylised representations of real-life transportation networks, characterised by straight lines, highly simplified geographic features and regularly spaced nodes.

    Notices: Azeroth Transit Authorities
    • Following the exit of the Alliance and Horde from the Convention, the remaining Sovereign States have resolved to terminate it. The Azeroth Transit Authorities will thus cease to exist.
    • All regulation of travel now falls on the individual transit authorities. Please consult your own for enquiries, as well as any laws that may apply to you.

    Notices: Transitalliance
    • In response to the razing of Theramore Isle by the Horde, the Grand Alliance has exited any and all Treaties, Conventions and Protocols to which the Horde is party, including the United Azeroth Transit Authorities Convention. All enquiries on travel within the Alliance's territories must now be directed to Transitalliance.
    • Theramore Isle: Following the razing of Theramore Isle by the Horde, The Lady Mehley service to there has ceased.

    Notices: Horde Transit
    • To further safeguard the sovereignty of the Horde, it has exited any and all Treaties, Conventions and Protocols to which the Alliance is party, including the United Azeroth Transit Authorities Convention. All enquiries on travel within the Horde's territories must now be directed to Horde Transit.

    Definition of mass transit
    Non-instantaneous methods of transportation carrying several concurrent commuters and provided without charge.

    Note that:
    • Walking and mounting do not fall under this definition because they have not been 'provided' to the person in question.
    • Orbs of Translocation do fall under this definition because of the cast time involved in using one.


    Appendix A: Coincidence of Alliance and Horde mass transit network maps

    24 March 2012

    Yor'sahj's Law (of Deep Corruption)

    Of all of the blobs of blood Yor’sahj the Unsleeping may call from Shu’ma, none are more confusing than the Shadowed Globule. Its unique buff (debuff to the raid), Deep Corruption, means that:
    Receiving healing or absorption effects will trigger a detonation at 5 stacks.
    So, which healing and absorption effects generate Deep Corruption? Apparently, this is a matter of law that requires some interpretation.

    Abilities that generate Deep Corruption are:
    • Single heals
    • Heals-over-time (HoTs)
    • AoE heals
    • Aura AoE heals
    • Ground AoE heals.

    Abilities that do not generate Deep Corruption are:
    • Non-heals
    • Non-healer abilities
    • Trinkets and the like
    • Summoned totems
    • Abilities with secondary effects for as far as the secondary effect(s) is/are concerned.

    Non-heal rule
    An ability without any healing or absorption effects does not generate Deep Corruption.

    03 March 2012

    The Faction: The Age of Mortals

    Out with the old and in with the new; the Aspects' vigil has ended, and the age of mortals has dawned. With the discharging of the Aspects there is no turning back, so will the sunshine and daisies last? Can Azeroth's mortal races forge their own destiny, or will the world degenerate into dystopia? Join me, Deeve Spairs, as we address this age-old question on The Faction, only on Critically Analyse.

    • Deeve Spairs [Deeve]
    • Alexstrasza [Alexa]
    • Drek'Thar [Drek]

    Sound bites
    From 'The meaning of life':
    • Alexstrasza says: Contrary to what many might think, it does not necessarily mean invulnerability. To be immortal [in the Warcraft universe], it means two things: first, that ageing yields at adulthood; and secondly, that illness and disease cannot befall.
    • Alexstrasza says: With all due respect, elder Drek'Thar, you yourself must understand how difficult it is for your brash youth to heed [advice]? Despite all of your assurances, there are some things that, for mortals, at least, can only be learned the hard way [through actual experience].
    • Drek'Thar says: Despite our days' being numbered, we are very productive, and seek out the best life has to offer. I hardly think we are as - what's the word - complacent as what you ever-healthy types are quite likely to be.
    From 'In defence of flaw':
    • Alexstrasza says: As far as I can tell, every little issue, for you mortals, must be reduced to power play, to the imposition of the superior will on the inferior.
    • Alexstrasza says: ...an endless see-saw between the conservative and liberal ends of politics... It would be nice if the path between stagnation and overwhelming change were found.
    • Deeve Spairs says: [The Alliance-Horde conflict] is a rivalry with cause long lost to history... at least for the common folk.
    • Alexstrasza says: [:;concerned] That is very worrying to me. Law enforcement, the threat of violence to avoid violence? One of mortal life's greatest ironies.
    • Alexstrasza says: Of course, use of force is not simply constrained [to law enforcement]. From a parent's disciplining their child to a rather zealous interest group's getting their voice heard, mortals seem to want to talk with their fists... | Deeve Spairs says: Yes, there is a word we mortals use to describe it, 'terrorism'.
    • Drek'Thar says: Deeve, despite our flaws, we [mortals] possess one major redeeming quality. We may be a slave to our emotions, but there is none more powerful than remorse.
    From 'Rebellious youth':
    • Deeve Spairs says: But surely [Alexstrasza's clutch's] former status as your sons and daughters still matters... | Alexstrasza says: You must distinguish between those events that do not affect that infinitely precious bond between mother and child, and and those that do.
    • Deeve Spairs says: So if one were the Aspect of Life, they would actually have a licence to murder. Alas, we mortals are not readily endowed it, and we have a duty to take care of the sick and injured while waiting for the greater powers ... to pass their judgement... Otherwise, well, remorse kicks in, and it sure kicks hard.

    03 October 2011

    The Faction: The Wyrmrest charter [Interview Transcript]

    The Hour of Twilight... was not meant to be, at least not yet. Yet, in their deepest despairs, the four Dragon Aspects managed to band together to neutralise a lesser, but nonetheless significant threat: Chromatus. Now, with newfound unity among them, us mortals can now hope, for a new day after the twilight, when Deathwing is finally defeated. Find out what happened to make them who they are today, and how mortal Thrall was of help to such grand beings, on The Faction, only on Critically Analyse.

    19th day of 7(1) ES 39
    N.B. Spoilers for World of Warcraft: Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects after the jump

    • Deeve Spairs [Deeve]
    • Kirygosa [Kiry]
    • Aggra [Aggra]

    [Deeve] /say: Welcome to The Faction, where we will be talking about the charter of sorts forged between the four functioning Dragonflights: Red, Green, Blue and Bronze. Today we have two ladies with us, Kirygosa of the Blue Dragonflight and daughter of the past Malygos...
    [Kiry] /yell: [:Draconic;ferocious] Hello.
    [Deeve] /s: ...and Aggra, shaman and spouse of Thrall.
    [Aggra] /s: [:Orcish;] Well met.

    25 August 2011

    GST on Gold Selling

    As questionable it may be, gold selling is a way to make money. Like any other Australian business, a Australian gold seller may get taxed on their proceeds, and if they have not been declaring such income on their BAS (business activity statement), they may well be running up a tax debt...

    Josh, as well as his friends Guy and Sandy, have dipped their toes into the grey market, and are now wondering if they will have to pay GST (Goods and Services Tax). Unfortunately, they find the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (GST Act) too daunting to find out themselves. Will you be able to help them?

    This problem has been taken out of Understanding Taxation Law 2011 (see bibliography for full citation), and the GST Act as of 1 November 2010 has been referred to.

    How to attract the tax collector
    In the GST Act:
    • s 7-1 says that "GST is payable on taxable supplies and taxable importations".
    • s 9-5 says that a taxable supply is made if a supply is made for consideration in the course or furtherance of an enterprise carried on, if it is connected with Australia and the supplier is registered or required to be registered.

    27 July 2011

    In defense of merchanting

    Merchanting is the activity of buying items at a low price and selling them higher later. If done properly, the merchanter can make substantial amounts of profit. Given factors such as the non-production of items in the process and an apparent increase in price volatility, this kind of business is often stigmatised.

    However, merchanting may serve a useful role in the economy. Such activity can actually help to keep prices more stable and, as a bonus, the merchanter will be rewarded for it.

    Elastic supply and demand
    Price elasticity is how much the quantity of an item in the market changes with a given change in price. The more elastic the price, the more quantity will change with a given price change. There are two types of elasticity:

    12 July 2011

    Lemon Dungeoneers

    In 1970, economist George Akerlof released a journal article about the used car market. In it, he drew the distinction between cherries (good cars) and lemons (faulty cars), and predicted how those selling cherries would be driven out of the market (and conversely how the proportion of lemons would increase).

    There is often comment by World of Warcraft players how they would, at times, join a sub-par pickup group (PuG) and resultingly endure an excruciating dungeon run. The 'market' for dungeoneering 'labour' may well degenerate similarly, for the fellow dungeoneers likely do not know how skilled each other is.

    The thing about asymmetric information
    In the lemon market as described by Akerlof, it is asymmetric information that drives cherries out of the market. In such a market, the buyer does not know much about the quality of the seller's product so as to form a price. In the used car market example, the used car has many parts hidden away from view, so the buyer cannot completely know whether the car is free from defects. As a result, they make a best guess that the car is of 'average' quality and so will be willing to pay an 'average' price.

    27 May 2011

    WoW Mathematics: Heavy Breathing

    When Valiona breathes fire, she breathes lots of it. Not only does it reach the very edges of the room she is in, it also has a 180° angular spread.

    Given that most fires tend to be bad, it is usually prudent to run out of it. There are, of course, a multitude of possible directions to run, which leave the player roasting for different amounts of time. Which path is the quickest?

    • The quickest path out of Devouring Flames is a straight line perpendicular (at right angles) to the boundary of the cone.
    • If Valiona is facing the player, the quickest path out is through Valiona.
    • Given a Cartesian coordinate system, the starting position (x1,y1) and the equation of the boundary ax + by + c = 0 ,the distance d to run is:

    25 February 2011

    Raid Checklists [Checklist]

    Like an airplane, a raid is made up of several parts that need to work together for the whole thing itself to work. Those parts need to be set correctly in order for that to happen.

    Because of the daunting number of controls to set, airline pilots need to use checklists to ensure that every switch, dial and button are in the correct states for whatever the plane will be doing, whether taking off, cruising or landing. Similarly, several aspects of a raid need to be in specific states for the raid experience to be as smooth as possible. The following checklists mimic the pre-flight checklists used in airline aviation, listing the states of the various aspects of a typical raid.

    There are checklists for:
    • Preparing for the raid (pre-raid checklist)
    • Preparing for a boss attempt (pre-boss checklist)
    • Handling a raid wipe (wipe checklist)
    • Concluding a raid (post-raid checklist)

    18 February 2011

    Value Added to MMO Items

    In real life, people engage in production to make goods and provide services. In doing so, they hope to add value of the finished product above what it cost them in materials, labour and capital. Normally, this is what actually does happen, however in MMOs (massively multiplayer online [roleplaying games]), especially those whose skills are difficult to learn, items actually decrease in value as they are processed.

    Like their real-life counterparts, items usually are assets, that is, they provide economic benefits to whoever is in possession of it. As part of production of a real-life asset, any combination of materials, labour and capital may be used in an effort to add value to it. This is usually what happens with an ingame asset as well.

    As is the case both in real life and ingame, as a person/character repeatedly makes the same good or provides the same service, they learn more about how to do so. As part of an asset's total value (which includes its value as part of a finished product), there is value placed on its ability to facilitate such learning. When the materials/items are finally processed, such benefits are consumed and the total value somewhat falls.