19th day of 7(1) ES 39
N.B. Spoilers for World of Warcraft: Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects after the jump
- Deeve Spairs [Deeve]
- Kirygosa [Kiry]
- Aggra [Aggra]
[Deeve] /say: Welcome to The Faction, where we will be talking about the charter of sorts forged between the four functioning Dragonflights: Red, Green, Blue and Bronze. Today we have two ladies with us, Kirygosa of the Blue Dragonflight and daughter of the past Malygos...
[Kiry] /yell: [:Draconic;ferocious] Hello.
[Deeve] /s: ...and Aggra, shaman and spouse of Thrall.
[Aggra] /s: [:Orcish;] Well met.