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Special: The Shattering

With Deathwing's emergence from Deepholm, the land of Azeroth is no longer as it was for years. Because of, as well as despite, this, both the Alliance and Horde have underwent political upheavals of similar magnitude. Now, both need to rebuild and adjust to the new climate. Critically Analyse will chronicle developments as they happen.

18 o'1(1): Merchant's Guide to Orgrimmar
Following the Great Fire of Orgrimmar, the city has been rebuilt with several new trade districts. The Hellscream government holds this will ease congestion in the Valley of Strength. The official tourist guide has since been updated to reflect these changes, now with a particular focus on merchants.

7 o'12(1): How to Catch Crawfish
Following several complaints from cooks undertaking his Crawfish Creole daily quest, Marogg has issued a guide on catching crawfish. He stresses that his instructions be interpreted literally.

23 o'11(1): Azeroth Mass Transit Network Map
Following the cataclysmic changes in Azeroth's landmasses, the Azeroth Transit Authorities in Truce (formerly the United Azeroth Transit Authorities) has revised several of its routes. It has issued an updated network map reflecting these changes.

22 o'11(1): The Faction with Deeve Spairs
Renowned political journalist Deeve Spairs interviewed representatives from the Alliance and Horde to look at the overwhelming changes in their respective governments. Issues discussed include the successions of Thunder Bluff's Chieftain and Ironforge's Crown, as well as shamans' politics with the elements.

BREAKING NEWS: Orgrimmar suffers a devastating fire. Thrall hands his office of Warchief to Garrosh Hellscream to embark on a shamanic vision quest. Garrosh Hellscream leads the rebuilding effort. High Chieftain Cairne Bloodhoof remains unpopular among the Grimtotem tauren. King Magni Bronzebeard is petrified after attempting to commune with earth spirits. Controversy arises over Moira's hereditary claim to the throne. Journalist and adventurer [Pguinto-Frostmourne-US] reports.

30 o'10(1): Pictures with Leaders
Journalist and adventurer [Pguinto-Frostmourne-US] travels around to meet the Horde's leaders during these uncertain times.

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