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03 October 2011

The Faction: The Wyrmrest charter [Interview Transcript]

The Hour of Twilight... was not meant to be, at least not yet. Yet, in their deepest despairs, the four Dragon Aspects managed to band together to neutralise a lesser, but nonetheless significant threat: Chromatus. Now, with newfound unity among them, us mortals can now hope, for a new day after the twilight, when Deathwing is finally defeated. Find out what happened to make them who they are today, and how mortal Thrall was of help to such grand beings, on The Faction, only on Critically Analyse.

19th day of 7(1) ES 39
N.B. Spoilers for World of Warcraft: Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects after the jump

  • Deeve Spairs [Deeve]
  • Kirygosa [Kiry]
  • Aggra [Aggra]

[Deeve] /say: Welcome to The Faction, where we will be talking about the charter of sorts forged between the four functioning Dragonflights: Red, Green, Blue and Bronze. Today we have two ladies with us, Kirygosa of the Blue Dragonflight and daughter of the past Malygos...
[Kiry] /yell: [:Draconic;ferocious] Hello.
[Deeve] /s: ...and Aggra, shaman and spouse of Thrall.
[Aggra] /s: [:Orcish;] Well met.

Broken election promise
[Deeve] /s: First of all, I would like to congratulate you, Kirygosa, for escaping the clutches of the Twilight Father. Sneaking out must've been rather terrifying, and you said before that you were experimented on?
[Kiry] /s: [:;shaken] Thank you very much Deeve, and yes, horrific living conditions! You must've experienced it yourself to fully comprehend the torture, the agony, and worst, the inability to transform into my true [dragon] form, although I pray that you don't have to go through it all yourself.
[Deeve] /s: Coming from a dragon, how can I ignore that warning? -So yes, the grand Aspect [of Magic] elections. Arygos versus Kalecgos, Kalecgos victorious. Could you have guessed?
[Kiry] /s: And I suppose brother [Arygos] is conservative and Kalecgos progressive? You politicise this greatly, Deeve; we immortal beings are beyond your petty politics, but yes, it did all come down to a vote. Considering going through brother Arygos' betrayal, and his handing me over to the Twilight's Hammer and Twilight Father [Archbishop Benedictus], I could see it coming. Alas, my imprisonment meant I couldn't reach the others to tell them myself. It's very fortunate they chose the right - if I must use your political jargon - 'candidate'.
[Deeve] /s: If they did happen to choose your brother, what would it have meant for your flight and the world?
[Aggra] /s: [:;stern] The end of both, simply put.
[Kiry] /s: Yes! If that traitor Arygos became Aspect [of Magic], he would've handed all of us [blue dragons] to the Twilight's Hammer, to become their slaves and do their dark bidding. The Twilight Father's plan would continue apace, and I'd be forced to breed with-
<[Kiry] /e shudders.>
[Kiry] /s: [:Draconic;disgusted] -that fiend Chromatus.
<[Aggra] /e looks ill.>

[Deeve] /s: I'm without words [in relation to that topic]. But Kalecgos... do you think he's the right ma- dragon - for the job?
[Aggra] /s: Ah yes, Go'el [Thrall] told me about a conversation with him. Kalecgos did have his reservations about the [top] job.
[Kiry] /s: That's Kalecgos for you, too afraid of the unknown to commit to much.
[Deeve] /s: But you do know the alternative, right?
<[Kiry] /e sighs.>
[Aggra] /s: But it is good that he did [commit]. He had the best interests of the flight in mind, and, even though he could not have foresaw Arygos' plans, Kalecgos knew otherwise that arrogance would have gotten the better of your [[Kiry]'s] brother. And the best leader is the one who personally does not crave the power that comes with such a position.
[Kiry] /s: If only for that I concede and salute him. Kalecgos [the Spell-Weaver].

[Deeve] /s: Kalecgos [the Spell-Weaver] indeed. Now, about the Embrace, the aligning of the Mother and Child [moons]. You say that the five Aspects were granted their powers by the Titans during that conjunction?
[Kiry] /s: Or so legend has it. However, I can confidently confirm the significance of such an event.
[Deeve] /s: The empowering of a succeessive Aspect?
[Kiry] /s: Yes! Who could've guessed?
[Aggra] /s: The more progressive among you [dragons], I would say.
<[Kiry] /e snorts.>
[Kiry] /s: I can assure you that more of us were sceptical than not. But we at least considered the Embrace auspicious, and if that led to our empowering a new Aspect at the right time, that is what matters in the end.
[Deeve] /s: So, Kirygosa, what actually happened at the ceremony?
[Kiry] /s: [:;reminiscing] You know, I wasn't there myself - for obvious reasons - but from what others have told me, it was almost as if the Mother and Child knew who we wanted as the next Aspect, me implicitly. Atop the highest peak of the Nexus, the moonlight was so bright. It illuminated all of them, including our guest Thrall, then started focusing. When the heavens finally spotlighted Kalecgos, you could tell who was chosen... It must have been such a euphoric event, almost as if the very love of a mother for her child was ambient.
<[Kiry] leans back on her chair, pondering the experience the other Blues must have gone through.>
[Deeve] /s: Fancy you mention Thrall, Kirygosa; his aid to the dragonflights was right next on the agenda. For now, we will take a quick break; stay with us.

Helpful in more ways than one
[Deeve] /s: Welcome back to The Faction. I am Deeve Spairs, and we are joined by Kirygosa of the Blue Dragonflight and Aggra, spouse of Thrall. So, Aggra, who would have thought that Thrall could solve problems the Dragonflights could not themselves.
[Aggra] /s: That is my Go'el, a gust of fresh wind [breath of fresh air], yet thinking beyond the short-term politics. It sorrowed to see all four sane flights in disarray, and was happy to help, even though he needed help himself.
[Deeve] /s: So, Aggra, what troubled him so?
[Aggra] /s: After leaving his office as Warchief of the Horde, he lost his sense of identity. You see, while he was Warchief, he felt he had a purpose, to be 'a thrall' to the Horde. Since joining the Earthen Ring, he had begun to lose himself, to the extent that he lost his concentration while we were communing with the earth around the Maelstrom.
[Deeve] /s: So I can see that Thrall must have found his identity, if he seems so much better these days.
[Kiry] /s: And in doing so, he also found Nozdormu [the Bronze Aspect]!
[Aggra] /s: Yes, identity is much more mercurial than many of us think. What is past is past, what is in the future is yet to happen. It matters not to Go'el anymore that he was Warchief before and now not, he now lives in the moment. No disappointment towards history, no fearing for the future, caring only for what is now, what is in the moment. The moment is what you make it, and make it Go'el does.
[Kiry] /s: Nozdormu did actually try to live in each and every moment, past, present and future, and across who nows how many timeways. Even for the Timeless One, that is overwhelming, and so he became lost... in time... But it's good that Thrall found him.

[Deeve] /s: Now, Kirygosa, many condolences for your, as well as all the other, flights' lost children. I heard about Korialstrasz and how he destroyed all four sanctums [under Wyrmrest Temple, housing the dragon eggs] as well as himself.
[Kiry] /s: He had to do it. The Twilight's Hammer corrupted each and every one of them, and when Korialstrasz touched one, it spread to him too.
[Deeve] /s: Good thing you had Thrall to assure everyone of that-
[Kiry] /s: -And myself to second it-
[Deeve] /s: Or things would have remained rather ugly.
[Aggra] /s: The ancestors and the elements grant many favours. This rather crucial one, the vision of Korialstrasz's sacrifice, was a humbling honour received by dearest Go'el, to share with his [Korialstrasz's] rather distraught spouse. So crucial is it that I admire his strong connection with those eternal.
[Deeve] /s: And we, of course, cannot forget that one worst affected by the apparent betrayal.
[Kiry] /s: Yes, the thought of betrayal hit Alexstrasza quite hard, so hard, in fact that she lashed out at some trying to bring sense into her. Can't blame her, of course.
[Aggra] /s: Thrall told me of how so low in depression she got, and of how much he inflamed [mind the pun] her and - might I add - almost himself that first conversation. Literally.
[Kiry] /s: Yes, you really can't blame her. The thought of a dear spouse attempting an [abortion] not only of your own but other friends' unborn children... Someone who you trusted your whole life doing the unthinkable and allying with the Twilight's Hammer... The property damage... Very heartbreaking, to say the least.
[Deeve] /s: Yes, falling glass [from the Orb of Unity Alexstrasza shattered] is quite a hazard. So, even despite finding out the relieving truth, she still had to deal with the spectre [mind the pun] of a lost consort. How could she cope with that?
[Aggra] /s: I can tell you from experience that compassion has its drawbacks. I can't stand to lose my dear Thrall, but life is short, and either of us will be widowed sooner or later. Alas, when the inevitable comes, you have to deal with it, tough it out, and not let the sorrow overcome you. You are who you are, whether in joy or in pain. Just be yourself, and you will get through.
[Kiry] /s: [:;smug] Fortunately, in the case of my brother... I don't have to deal with that.
[Deeve] /s: Just be yourself, and you will get through. Good to see Alexstrasza being herself again, considering the threat of a chromatic dragon looming on the horizon. We will talk about the vanquishing of Chromatus after the break. Stay with us.
[Kiry] /s: Not really vanq-

With all of your powers combined, I am...
[Deeve] /s: Welcome back to The Faction. Deeve Spairs here, along with Kirygosa and Aggra. Now we get to the juicy part of the interview -
<[Kiry] /e licks her lips, apparently hungry for food.>
[Deeve] /s: -where we talk about Chromatus and the Hour of Twilight hoax.
<[Kiry] /e flinches at the mention of Chromatus' name.>
<[Deeve] looks at [Kiry] with concern.>
[Deeve] /s: Kirygosa, viewers would appreciate it greatly if you could offer your insights on this rather important subject.
[Kiry] /s: Don't worry about me, I'm fine. Go ahead.
[Deeve] /s: Okay. First of all, we should get to know Chromatus. He-
[Kiry] /y: -Is an aberrant construct of Nefarian [Deathwing's son], an unholy fusion of our [each dragonflight's] essences and knowledge, a great force to be reckoned with, even to the Aspects-
<[Kiry] /e calms down.>
[Kiry] /s: -And the source of the worst body odour in Azeroth. Ugh.
[Aggra] /s: He also has five heads, one for each dragonflight.
[Kiry] /s: That too.

[Deeve] /s: With such a powerful adversary, how were the four Aspects able to defeat him? Or at least de-animate said construct?
[Aggra] /s: Thrall helped them rediscover their roots. Through an traditional shamanic circle [ritual], no less.
[Kiry] /s: It helped them realise the greater meaning of their charging by the Titans. For too long had they acted of their own accords. One would act without consultation of the others, even if it conflicted with another's interest.
[Deeve] /s: Yes, look at what the Nexus War started over. Then-Aspect of Magic Malygos declared war over all magic users, and Aspect of Life Alexstrasza was swift to oppose it, obviously because of the loss of life.
[Kiry] /s: So yes, they've told of how, in the circle, they opened themselves to each other, then re-experienced the blessings given by the Titans, Thrall there to represent Neltharion [now Deathwing]. That would've reminded them of the positions of great responsibility each held. Then - I didn't quite understand this part- but they said something about uniting as one...
[Aggra] /s: Yes... Thrall compared it to the weaving of cloth on a loom... Except that their essences were not simply interweaved with each other... Rather, blended into the one whole...
[Kiry] /s: Obviously, that ritual worked. You could tell their unity in the final confrontation with Chromatus... flying acrobatically around him... attacking with the one white-coloured flame breath...
[Aggra] /s: Yes, that newfound accord between them, they are going to need it for a final confrontation with Deathwing.
<[Deeve] ponders the hypocrisy of the other Aspects' killing Deathwing.>
[Kiry] /s: [:;comforting] Deeve... Be assured that Deathwing is beyond all salvation.
[Deeve] /s: Indeed. So, looks like Thrall was never meant to be the Aspect of Earth in the fullest capacity.
[Aggra] /s: [:;disappointed] I can confirm that.
[Deeve] /s: Now, do you believe this was how the Hour of Twilight was meant to come about? The triumph of Chromatus?
[Kiry] + [Aggra] /s: [:;stern] Most likely.
[Kiry] /s: With the twilight of the Aspects, what [defenses] would there be left to stop Azeroth's own?
[Deeve] /s: Indeed. And that is all we have time for. Thank you for watching The Faction, only on Critically Analyse.

  • Golden, Christie (2011), World of Warcraft: Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects, 1st hardcover edn, Gallery Books, New York.

  • Inspired by The Nation with David Speers on Sky News

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