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Showing posts with label wow-theramore.isle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wow-theramore.isle. Show all posts

21 September 2012

Eulogy at the Funeral of Kinndy Sparkshine [Eulogy]

As delivered by Archmage Jaina Proudmoore

Apprentice Kinndy Sparkshine… how so full of potential you held. To see your life – and living – cut short by a most heinous, brutal, and cowardly of ways to wage war… it shocks me, and no doubt all others of reason, down to the very essence of the being. Even though you have passed on, dearest Kinndy, your legacy yet lingers, one that may well herald peace in this world mired in conflict.

You had always showed a passion for your studies, Kinndy. Your youthful energy, unrestrained like the arcane itself, got you through your gruelling readings and lab sessions. It had fed the asking of endless questions on the most mundane. <Caesura for laughs> And, perhaps, it had galvanised your optimism for the future, one of quiet devotion to magic, innocent of the horrors of battle…

18 September 2012



Horde razes Alliance-controlled Theramore Isle with both sides committing fully to War
Warchief Garrosh Hellscream questioned over tactics used

[Pguinto-Frostmourne-US], 17th day of 9(1) KC 621
N.B. Spoilers for Golden, C (2012) (World of Warcraft: Jaina Proudmoore: Tides of War) after the jump

RUINS OF THERAMORE – The Horde attacked Theramore Isle today in the latest development of the Alliance-Horde War. Despite historical reluctance, this attack drew fully the Grand Alliance into it for the first time.

The razing was intended to weaken the morale of the Alliance; instead, the violation of sovereignty gave reason to fully commit.

31 August 2012

Azeroth Mass Transit Network Map [Map], updated for Mists of Pandaria

Note: The omission of node Theramore Isle and route The Lady Mehley is tentative until further information is made available.

The following series of maps serves as a reference for mass transit services provided to citizens of the Alliance and Horde.
The style used in the map departs from traditional methods of accurately charting landmasses and routes; instead, it aims for simplicity. It has been inspired by the highly stylised representations of real-life transportation networks, characterised by straight lines, highly simplified geographic features and regularly spaced nodes.

Notices: Azeroth Transit Authorities
  • Following the exit of the Alliance and Horde from the Convention, the remaining Sovereign States have resolved to terminate it. The Azeroth Transit Authorities will thus cease to exist.
  • All regulation of travel now falls on the individual transit authorities. Please consult your own for enquiries, as well as any laws that may apply to you.

Notices: Transitalliance
  • In response to the razing of Theramore Isle by the Horde, the Grand Alliance has exited any and all Treaties, Conventions and Protocols to which the Horde is party, including the United Azeroth Transit Authorities Convention. All enquiries on travel within the Alliance's territories must now be directed to Transitalliance.
  • Theramore Isle: Following the razing of Theramore Isle by the Horde, The Lady Mehley service to there has ceased.

Notices: Horde Transit
  • To further safeguard the sovereignty of the Horde, it has exited any and all Treaties, Conventions and Protocols to which the Alliance is party, including the United Azeroth Transit Authorities Convention. All enquiries on travel within the Horde's territories must now be directed to Horde Transit.

Definition of mass transit
Non-instantaneous methods of transportation carrying several concurrent commuters and provided without charge.

Note that:
  • Walking and mounting do not fall under this definition because they have not been 'provided' to the person in question.
  • Orbs of Translocation do fall under this definition because of the cast time involved in using one.


Appendix A: Coincidence of Alliance and Horde mass transit network maps