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18 January 2011

Merchant's Guide to Orgrimmar

Orgrimmar is the orc capital city and the capital city of the Horde territories. Also the current political capital, the incumbent Warchief Garrosh Hellscream is based here. It is the hub of the Horde's extensive zeppelin network and sees the bulk of adventurer traffic among all Horde capitals.

This combination of factors give Orgrimmar a high potential for lucrative business. It is large enough to boast five trade districts, each characterised by the architecture of the races that dominate their populations.

Goblin Slums

The Goblin Slums consist the goblin district in Orgrimmar. Dwellings are cloth tarpaulins supported by either branches or metal beams. Rudimentary waste disposal and a crude oil extraction operation has left the pond slicked with run-off seeping into downstream Valley of Spirits. Fishers are advised not to consume fish, especially endemic Toxic Puddlefish, caught from these waters.

Within the trade district, the auction house and bank are situated close together. A mailbox can be found further down the path leading into the Valley of Strength.
  • Auctioneers: Auctioneer Fenk
  • Bankers: Nuzo, Zerit

Within the Goblin Slums reside Cooking, Engineering, First Aid and Tailoring trainers.

Valley of Honor

The Valley of Honor is the minor orc district in Orgrimmar. Dwellings consist of sturdy stone and metal, with wooden floors and ornamental metal spikes protruding from roofs. The extensive water system running through is pristine and ideal for fishing. A northwestward path leads into Azshara, along which siege vehicles are being constructed. Local attractions include the Ring of Valor, three training halls and a walkway above the Drag gate.

The trade district here expands across the water system, with the Trader's Hall on the northern side and the Orgrimmar Counting House on the southern side. A bridge (ornamented with spikes) allows easy access between the two.
  • Auctioneers: Auctioneer Drezbit, Auctioneer Kuvi, Auctioneer Vizput, Auctioneer Zilbeena
  • Bankers: Binzella, Fibi, Pank, Vink

The Master Angler Razgar resides here, as well as Blacksmithing, Fishing and Mining trainers.

Valley of Spirits

The Valley of Spirits is the troll district in Orgrimmar. Complementing nature, dwellings here consist of rope bound wood with straw roofing, although a few buildings here of classical orc architecture have survived the great fire. Community buildings may have several floors. The water system running through here is mostly shallow, although fishings spots may be found to the northwest and south of the trade building. Two rope bridges suspended above lead to nowhere. A westward path leads into the Northern Barrens with a leather-and-wood arch welcoming visitors entering through.

The trade district here is entirely contained within a two-floor building, which regular flyers may find cramped. The auction house and bank may be found on the upper floor while a mailbox can be found at the entrance.
  • Auctioneers: Auctioneer Ziji
  • Bankers: Makavu

Within the Valley of Spirits reside Cooking and Fishing trainers. Xan'tish sells pet snakes and can be found circling the trade building.

Valley of Strength

The Valley of Strength is the major orc district in Orgrimmar. Boasting the main city entrance from Durotar to the south, the mass of adventurers can be seen passing here. Dwellings consist of sturdy stone and metal, with wooden floors and ornamental metal spikes protruding from roofs. Local attractions include Grommash Hold (the current seat of government), the Hall of Legends, the fully stocked Broken Tusk bar and a walkway atop the main entrance gate.

The Auction House and a mailbox can be found on the eastern side of the trade district (although the Warchief has his own mailbox), while the Bank of Orgrimmar is situated along the western side. A pathway through a tiled crossroads connects the two.
  • Auctioneers: Auctioneer Drezmit, Auctioneer Fazdran, Auctioneer Ralinza, Auctioneer Xifa (former Auctioneers Grimful and Wabang now guard the Auction House)
  • Bankers: Branzlit, Kixa, Perixa, Rilgiz (former bankers Karus, Koma and Soran now guard the Bank of Orgrimmar)

Within the Valley of Strength resides the Guild Master Urtrun Clanbringer as well as a Blacksmithing trainer.

Valley of Wisdom

The Valley of Wisdom is the tauren district in Orgrimmar. Complementing nature, dwellings are leather tents supported by wooden beams. A pristine lake occupies much of the area, in which Sandy Carp is endemic. Local attractions include a theatre around a bonfire and several totem poles scattered throughout.

The trade district can be found west of the lake, where the bank, auction house and a mailbox are a stone's throw from the inn.
  • Auctioneers: Auctioneer Sowata
  • Bankers: Tatepi

Within the Valley of Wisdom reside Blacksmithing and Skinning trainers.

Definition of trade district
An area within a capital city subzone in which the following may be found:
  • Auction house (A)
  • Bank (B)
  • Guild bank (G)
  • Mailbox (M)

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