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18 September 2012



Horde razes Alliance-controlled Theramore Isle with both sides committing fully to War
Warchief Garrosh Hellscream questioned over tactics used

[Pguinto-Frostmourne-US], 17th day of 9(1) KC 621
N.B. Spoilers for Golden, C (2012) (World of Warcraft: Jaina Proudmoore: Tides of War) after the jump

RUINS OF THERAMORE – The Horde attacked Theramore Isle today in the latest development of the Alliance-Horde War. Despite historical reluctance, this attack drew fully the Grand Alliance into it for the first time.

The razing was intended to weaken the morale of the Alliance; instead, the violation of sovereignty gave reason to fully commit.

As part of the battle, Warchief Garrosh Hellscream ordered a mana bomb, greatly enhanced by the Focusing Iris, to be dropped on the port city from a zeppelin. Rhonin, former head of the Kirin Tor, in an effort to mitigate the damage, personally drew the bomb towards him atop ex-Lady Jaina Proudmoore’s tower, which is understood to be heavily warded against magics.

In addition to the Alliance itself through the 7th Legion, several independent organisations went to the aid of Theramore. The Kirin Tor sent several high-ranking mages, including Rhonin and his wife Vereesa Windrunner, to aid Theramore in repelling the attack. Expressing a denial of a tacit support for the Horde’s goals of conquest, they served purely to bolster Theramore’s defences and would not personally engage Horde combatants, at least as aggressor.

In addition, Kalecgos, ex-Aspect of Magic and leader of the Blue Dragonflight, offered his assistance on suspicion of the use of the Focusing Iris there. Owned collectively by the Blue Dragonflight, the ancient artifact can amplify magical spells cast by the user.

Prior to the bombing, the Horde had engaged in conventional citadel storming tactics. The forces split up part-way through Dustwallow Marsh so as to meet at Theramore outside its northern and western gates, both reinforced by Kirin Tor magics.

However, the Kirin Tor’s Thalen Songweaver, sympathetic with the Horde, sabotaged the effort, allowing Horde forces to enter the citadel through the northern gate. He has since escaped and is [on the run].

It is understood that Warchief Hellscream ordered a retreat after being faced with the prospect of being locked in. But for the use of the mana bomb, Theramore, and by extension the Alliance, would have secured final victory at the battle.

Notable fatalities include Rhonin, Ms Proudmoore’s bodyguard Pained, Kirin Tor apprentice Kinndy Sparkshine, General Marcus Jonathan and Admiral Tarlen Aubrey of Northwatch Hold. Ms Proudmoore herself survived after Rhonin, unceremoniously, shoved her through a portal. So too did Vereesa Windrunner, as she was conducting scouting operations outside the killzone, and General Shandris Feathermoon, who was pursuing Mr Songweaver in the Marsh.

Prior to its victory at Theramore, the Horde had captured Northwatch Hold, one of the Alliance's minor settlements in Kalimdor. The Alliance is keen on retaking it, even though Theramore itself is beyond repair.

War crimes
With honours… High Overlord Varok Saurfang.

Recent tactics ordered by Warchief Hellscream have drawn great controversy, the least of which from within the Horde itself. This is despite much of its populace's pledging loyalty to the [top job].

Anecdotal evidence shows a sizeable [chunk] of those asked express loyalty to the Horde and even the [office] of Warchief, but not Warchief Hellscream personally. Also, a recurring theme among sentiments is the rather vague concept of honour.

The Kor’kron Guard’s High Overlord Varok Saurfang is a strong proponent of honour in combat. "Honour", he commented, "no matter how dire the battle. Never forsake it."

The use of the mana bomb in the battle at Theramore Isle raised many questions. As honourable combatants are often expected to place themselves in danger, because of the ability to order such a strike from a safe distance, it was seen as dishonorable.

As severely condemned, especially by the shamanic [profession] of both factions, was the Horde's enslavement of molten giants at the battle at Northwatch. They claim it will strain relations with the elements and, according to some, even cause another cataclysmic event.

Most of the Horde’s leaders have expressed great reservations about the waging of the War itself. High Chieftain Baine Bloodhoof (tauren leader) and Darkspear Chieftain Vol’jin (troll leader) opt for more diplomacy with the Alliance, while Sylvanas Windrunner, the Banshee Queen (Forsaken leader) fears for an Alliance retaliation on the Horde’s holdings in the Eastern Kingdoms.

Trade Prince Gallywix (goblin leader), however, supports the War on economic grounds.

Another controversial move is the placing on standby the kraken off the shores of Durotar.

Stolen property
Magnified effect… the Focusing Iris.

The mana bomb dropped on Theramore Isle reached its record size due to the use of the Focusing Iris.

The Blue Dragonflight had reported it stolen after it went missing en route to a permanent storage location. It was resolved to sink it deep in the Frozen Sea, encased in enchanted ice, after the, often abusive, historical use it had seen.

It had not even left the shores of the Dragonblight in Northrend after the caravan of five dragons allegedly came under attack by mortal forces.

Evidence of the use of mortal implements of war at the scene supports this narrative. Suspicions were later confirmed after its use at Theramore.

Among the more controversial uses of the Focusing Iris was by the late Malygos, former Aspect of Magic, during the Nexus War, when it was used to reroute Azeroth's ley lines to the Nexus. It had also been used to reanimate the abomination Chromatus.

Despite its blatant presence at Theramore's Fall, it had been reported missing again. Kalecgos, after visiting the mana bomb's impact crater, could not find it there. He assured that it can survive both the initial shock wave and residual arcane energy of the mana bomb explosion.

In addition, Warchief Hellscream's scouting party of 30 or so orcs has not yet returned.

Rumours have emerged on the whereabouts of the Focusing Iris, including its retrieval by Ms Proudmoore. Some had even suggested her retaliatory use of it on Orgrimmar through a [tsunami] of water elementals.

Indeed, Kalecgos confirmed Ms Proudmoore's intention to survey the remains of her city.

After the retrieval of the Focusing Iris, Kalecgos plans to donate it to the Kirin Tor. Considering the lack of unity within, and even possible disbanding of, the Blue Dragonflight, as well as the safe storage of several powerful artifacts at Dalaran, it was deemed the most sensible home.

Ms Proudmoore is widely supported as a member, and even the head, of the Kirin Tor. After the destruction of her base of subjects with Theramore Isle, and concurrently her hopes for peace with the Horde at its current state of affairs, she feels it is the only purpose left in her life.

Indeed, she reports that, in his final minutes, Rhonin called her “the future” of the Kirin Tor.

- Critically Analyse

  • Golden, Christie (2012), World of Warcraft: Jaina Proudmoore: Tides of War, 1st hardcover edn, Gallery Books, New York.

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