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Showing posts with label wow-twilight.of.the.aspects. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wow-twilight.of.the.aspects. Show all posts

03 October 2011

The Faction: The Wyrmrest charter [Interview Transcript]

The Hour of Twilight... was not meant to be, at least not yet. Yet, in their deepest despairs, the four Dragon Aspects managed to band together to neutralise a lesser, but nonetheless significant threat: Chromatus. Now, with newfound unity among them, us mortals can now hope, for a new day after the twilight, when Deathwing is finally defeated. Find out what happened to make them who they are today, and how mortal Thrall was of help to such grand beings, on The Faction, only on Critically Analyse.

19th day of 7(1) ES 39
N.B. Spoilers for World of Warcraft: Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects after the jump

  • Deeve Spairs [Deeve]
  • Kirygosa [Kiry]
  • Aggra [Aggra]

[Deeve] /say: Welcome to The Faction, where we will be talking about the charter of sorts forged between the four functioning Dragonflights: Red, Green, Blue and Bronze. Today we have two ladies with us, Kirygosa of the Blue Dragonflight and daughter of the past Malygos...
[Kiry] /yell: [:Draconic;ferocious] Hello.
[Deeve] /s: ...and Aggra, shaman and spouse of Thrall.
[Aggra] /s: [:Orcish;] Well met.