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Special: Doomsayer's Guide to Doomsdays

Humanity is not safe from collective harm, for risks threaten our survival both without and within. This guide describes many of the grim fates that can possibly befall us, so that you know what to expect should one come.

The Mayan Code (Introduction): The Mayans prescribed the end of the world at 21 December 2012, or did they?

Sunfury: The Sun, which nurtures life on Earth, is also well capable of destroying it.

She's Gonna Blow: Supervolcanoes, being super in scale, are super in their impact when they erupt.

Extreme Weather: Earth's climate, despite decades of study, continues to confound meteorologists with its complicated sub-processes, each of which may be sensitive to tampering.

Pandemic: Viruses are the bane of many an organism on Earth.

High Impact: It wiped out the dinosaurs, so can a meteorite impact wipe us out as well?

Inside Job: We as a species has survived a lot of what Earth can throw at us, so could our weakness well be ourselves?