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26 November 2010

Azeroth Mass Transit Network Map [Map]

With the portals in Dalaran and Shattrath removed as part of patch 4.0.3a, there will be much greater use of Azeroth's slower transportation network. The following map serves as a reference for mass transit services provided to citizens of the Alliance and Horde.

The style used in the map departs from traditional methods of accurately charting landmasses and routes; instead, it aims for simplicity. It has been inspired by the highly stylised representations of real-life transportation networks, characterised by straight lines, highly simplified geographic features and regularly spaced nodes.

  • Auberdine: The recent Shattering has decimated Auberdine. All nautical activities have been moved to Rut'theran Village in Teldrassil. Darkshore can be reached by private taxi to Lor'danel.
  • Feathermoon Stronghold: The recent Shattering has decimated Feathermoon Stronghold and Feathermoon Stronghold has been rebuilt on mainland Feralas. The Feathermoon Ferry service to Sardor Isle has ceased.
  • Orgrimmar: All mass aviation has been moved to the Skyway, situated on a plateau at the centre of the city. It can be reached by flying mount or lift.

Definition of mass transit
Non-instantaneous methods of transportation carrying several concurrent commuters and provided without charge.
Note that:
  • Walking and mounting do not fall under this definition because they have not been 'provided' to the person in question.
  • Orbs of Translocation do fall under this definition because of the cast time involved in using one.


EDIT 27Nov10: Amended copyright notice. Amended positions of elements to better conform with certain square grid.
EDIT 21Jan12: Appended hard copy version.
EDIT 31Aug12: Updated to <http://criticallyanalyse.blogspot.com/2012/08/azeroth-mass-transit-network-map-map.html>.

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