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Showing posts with label wow-lore. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wow-lore. Show all posts

10 June 2014

Gatecrash Investigation: A Wrinkle in Time [Documentary Transcript]

The trial of Garrosh Hellscream. The world's most wanted war criminal is due to answer for his many atrocities.

Lorewalker Pao: What a tense atmosphere it must have had! Needless to say, the whole thing was a powder keg ready to go off.

Suddenly, during Garrosh's crucial sentencing, a storm breaks out in the courtroom, with no apparent reason why. In the midst of the chaos, the Accused is nowhere to be found. Investigators are to uncover a minor flaw in the procedures and a plot to span the ages.

Anduin Wrynn: It felt quite surreal, to have held yourself as you died...


This is a true story. It is based on "official reports" and "eyewitness accounts".

N.B. Spoilers for World of Warcraft: War Crimes after the jump


21 May 2014

Azeroth v Hellscream [31] ToWT 1 [Law Report]


N.B. Spoilers for World of Warcraft: War Crimes after the jump

Case title
Azeroth v Hellscream
Medium neutral citation
[31] ToWT 1
Year of decision
ES 31
Customary international law - Criminal
Yu’lon (juror)
Xuen (juror)
Chi-Ji (juror)
Niuzao (juror)
Taran Zhu (fa’shua (judge))
Pandaria (prosecution)
Grand Alliance (prosecution)
Horde (prosecution)
Red Dragonflight (prosecution)
Garrosh Hellscream (Accused)
Chu’shao (counsel)
Tyrande Whisperwind (Accuser)
Baine Bloodhoof (Defender)

Nolo contendere (no contest)
Nolo contendere
Forcible transfer of population
Nolo contendere
Enforced disappearance of individuals
Nolo contendere
Nolo contendere
Abduction of children
Nolo contendere
Nolo contendere
Killing of prisoners
Nolo contendere
Forced pregnancy
Nolo contendere
Wanton destruction of cities, towns, and villages not justified by military or civilian necessity
Nolo contendere

13 May 2014

Guide to the Pandarian Judiciary [Brochure]

Welcome to Pandaria's court system! If you are reading this, you are probably sitting a court session right now. The Pandaren population prides itself in its judiciary, delivering a fair and well-considered outcome for all.

The foundation on which Pandaria's justice system is built is the rule of law, that no one person is above justice. Pandaria thus takes due process seriously, and will do that necessary to uphold it. To help make sure you do not find yourself at the wrong side of dungeon bars, please read on.

N.B. Spoilers for World of Warcraft: War Crimes after the jump

Judge, jury and executioner
Pandaria acknowledges foreign court systems in which the one person, usually the head of state, ultimately decides the fate of the Accused (defendant). However, in keeping with the rule of law, Pandaria separates its roles:

    27 September 2013

    Guide to the Siege of Orgrimmar Ending Cinematics

    This is it; the Siege of Orgrimmar, as well as the (substantial) Mists of Pandaria expansion, concludes. The final cinematic may only be two or so minutes, yet it is steeped in context and prior lore.

    Take it all at face value and much will be missed. However, armed with the right knowledge, not only can these events be fully appreciated, but insights into Azeroth's future can even be gained...

    N.B. Spoilers for the Siege of Orgrimmar raid after the jump
    N.B. Unless otherwise noted, references to "execution" refer to the execution of the death penalty

    The (obligatory) synopsis
    As is to be expected of any partisan affair, the Horde and Alliance each have their own version, although much of the experience is shared.

    18 September 2012

    ARCANE EXPLOSION [News Article]


    Horde razes Alliance-controlled Theramore Isle with both sides committing fully to War
    Warchief Garrosh Hellscream questioned over tactics used

    [Pguinto-Frostmourne-US], 17th day of 9(1) KC 621
    N.B. Spoilers for Golden, C (2012) (World of Warcraft: Jaina Proudmoore: Tides of War) after the jump

    RUINS OF THERAMORE – The Horde attacked Theramore Isle today in the latest development of the Alliance-Horde War. Despite historical reluctance, this attack drew fully the Grand Alliance into it for the first time.

    The razing was intended to weaken the morale of the Alliance; instead, the violation of sovereignty gave reason to fully commit.

    31 August 2012

    Azeroth Mass Transit Network Map [Map], updated for Mists of Pandaria

    Note: The omission of node Theramore Isle and route The Lady Mehley is tentative until further information is made available.

    The following series of maps serves as a reference for mass transit services provided to citizens of the Alliance and Horde.
    The style used in the map departs from traditional methods of accurately charting landmasses and routes; instead, it aims for simplicity. It has been inspired by the highly stylised representations of real-life transportation networks, characterised by straight lines, highly simplified geographic features and regularly spaced nodes.

    Notices: Azeroth Transit Authorities
    • Following the exit of the Alliance and Horde from the Convention, the remaining Sovereign States have resolved to terminate it. The Azeroth Transit Authorities will thus cease to exist.
    • All regulation of travel now falls on the individual transit authorities. Please consult your own for enquiries, as well as any laws that may apply to you.

    Notices: Transitalliance
    • In response to the razing of Theramore Isle by the Horde, the Grand Alliance has exited any and all Treaties, Conventions and Protocols to which the Horde is party, including the United Azeroth Transit Authorities Convention. All enquiries on travel within the Alliance's territories must now be directed to Transitalliance.
    • Theramore Isle: Following the razing of Theramore Isle by the Horde, The Lady Mehley service to there has ceased.

    Notices: Horde Transit
    • To further safeguard the sovereignty of the Horde, it has exited any and all Treaties, Conventions and Protocols to which the Alliance is party, including the United Azeroth Transit Authorities Convention. All enquiries on travel within the Horde's territories must now be directed to Horde Transit.

    Definition of mass transit
    Non-instantaneous methods of transportation carrying several concurrent commuters and provided without charge.

    Note that:
    • Walking and mounting do not fall under this definition because they have not been 'provided' to the person in question.
    • Orbs of Translocation do fall under this definition because of the cast time involved in using one.


    Appendix A: Coincidence of Alliance and Horde mass transit network maps

    18 January 2011

    Merchant's Guide to Orgrimmar

    Orgrimmar is the orc capital city and the capital city of the Horde territories. Also the current political capital, the incumbent Warchief Garrosh Hellscream is based here. It is the hub of the Horde's extensive zeppelin network and sees the bulk of adventurer traffic among all Horde capitals.

    This combination of factors give Orgrimmar a high potential for lucrative business. It is large enough to boast five trade districts, each characterised by the architecture of the races that dominate their populations.

    Goblin Slums

    The Goblin Slums consist the goblin district in Orgrimmar. Dwellings are cloth tarpaulins supported by either branches or metal beams. Rudimentary waste disposal and a crude oil extraction operation has left the pond slicked with run-off seeping into downstream Valley of Spirits. Fishers are advised not to consume fish, especially endemic Toxic Puddlefish, caught from these waters.

    26 November 2010

    Azeroth Mass Transit Network Map [Map]

    With the portals in Dalaran and Shattrath removed as part of patch 4.0.3a, there will be much greater use of Azeroth's slower transportation network. The following map serves as a reference for mass transit services provided to citizens of the Alliance and Horde.

    The style used in the map departs from traditional methods of accurately charting landmasses and routes; instead, it aims for simplicity. It has been inspired by the highly stylised representations of real-life transportation networks, characterised by straight lines, highly simplified geographic features and regularly spaced nodes.

    • Auberdine: The recent Shattering has decimated Auberdine. All nautical activities have been moved to Rut'theran Village in Teldrassil. Darkshore can be reached by private taxi to Lor'danel.

    20 November 2010

    The Faction with Deeve Spairs [Interview Transcript]

    The world of Azeroth faces great upheaval, much of which political. Join me, Deeve Spairs, as we talk to representatives from both the Alliance and Horde, to shed some light on the pressing issues facing both factions and, most importantly, how our leaders will tackle the uncertain future ahead. Watch The Faction, only on Critically Analyse.

    22nd day of 11(1) ES 33, hard embargo – immediate release
    N.B. Spoilers for World of Warcraft: The Shattering: Prelude to Cataclysm after the jump

    • Deeve Spairs [Deeve]
    • Lady Jaina Proudmoore [Jaina]

    15 November 2010

    STATE OF CATACLYSM [News Article]

    Fire engulfs Orgrimmar, rebuilding costly due to scarce supplies
    Political tensions mount after Thrall appoints Garrosh as acting Warchief prior to vision quest

    [Pguinto-Frostmourne-US], 16th day of 11(1) ES 33, hard embargo - immediate release
    N.B. Spoilers for Golden, C (2010) (World of Warcraft: The Shattering: Prelude to Cataclysm) and strategy guide for the Elemental Invasion after the jump

    ORGRIMMAR - A devastating fire tore through Orgrimmar today after the recent dry spell throughout Durotar had escalated the [fire hazard] to alarming [levels]. People throughout the Horde territories worry about political, economic and ecological difficulties stemming from it.

    Orgrimmar had suffered an invasion of fire elementals, which caused an inferno that reached calamitous proportions and burned down most of the predominantly wooden architecture. Shaman are still baffled as to the reason for the elements’ disgruntlement.

    The fire may be related to the recently foiled [arson] attempts by the Doomsday Cult. They had attempted to use special devices and rituals to mass summon fire elementals to the city.

    As part of the fire fighting effort, which literally required monsoonal amounts of water, able shaman arrived at the scene to commune with the fire elementals responsible for the blaze. Thrall, shaman and Warchief of the Horde, personally assisted in the effort.

    Repairing the unprecedented damage sustained is challenging given the strain the city's coffers are under from drought and restricted trade with the Alliance.

    Prior to the fire, citizens of all major cities had complained of minor ground tremors. It is widely believed that action by the earth elementals, or some other related phenomena, would cause a more major earthquake.

    30 October 2010

    Pictures with Leaders

    30th day of 10(1) ES 33

    With the Shattering looming ever closer, I figured that now would be a good time to catch up with the Horde's leaders before their worlds are turned upside down. Here I record my travels and the conversations I had with them.

    N.B. Spoilers for World of Warcraft: Cataclysm and Christie Golden's World of Warcraft: The Shattering: Prelude to Cataclysm after the jump

    Garrosh Hellscream

    18 September 2010

    Ulduar Constellations [Windows 7 theme]

    Ulduar may well be one of the most awe-inspiring and (quite literally) captivating places in Azeroth. This theme brings a few of its highlights (in particular, its many constellation-like sculptures) to your Windows 7 desktop.

    As I do not have file hosting available to me for hosting the .themepack file, I will give instructions apply it manually. This theme offers the following appearance customisations:
    • Desktop background
    • Window colour
    • Sounds
    • Screensaver

    18 December 2009

    Father rescues son from Icecrown Citadel

    The Deathbringer Saurfang encounter provides for a very tantalising and moving lore moment. Not only is the more recent death knight dilemma explored, but also it draws from history as far back as the First War.

    A father (Varok Saurfang, also known as High Overlord Saurfang ingame) talks to the reanimation of his son (Dranosh Saurfang, the Younger), the latter of which is obstructing the former's passage. A commentary on the more detailed Horde version of the dialogue is offered in a Q&A format.

    High Overlord Saurfang yells: Kor'kron, move out! Champions, watch your backs! The Scourge have been...
    Deathbringer Saurfang yells: Join me, father. Join me and we will crush this world in the name of the Scourge. For the glory of the Lich King!

    15 August 2009

    Ulduar Protocol

    I have seen worlds bathed in the Makers' flames. Their denizens fading without so much as a whimper. Entire planetary systems born and raised in the time that it takes your mortal hearts to beat once... A million, million lives wasted. Had they all held within them your tenacity? Had they all loved life as you do?
    Algalon's dying breath

    Considering the tremendous amount of history contained in the Storm Peaks, it might be worth finding out how Ulduar got there. A history of Azeroth's defense mechanisms follows. It all started during the Ordering...

    Parasitic, necrophotic symbiotes
    Azeroth was not as peaceful and beautifully formed as it currently is. Before the Titans' arrival, the elements would rage across the world in endless conflict, and the Old Gods would exact chaos upon it.

    27 June 2009

    The Origin of (Warcraft) Species

    No fantasy universe is complete without an evolutionary history of all of its living (and unliving) races. In the case of Warcraft, this is not at all uninteresting. All deviations from common ancestors can be explained in one word: corruption.

    I will give a brief account of the player races of Azeroth in three logical sections, grouped according to three unique circumstances. These are:
    1. The Seed Races, as created by the Titans;
    2. Aliens, which more or less were introduced into the Azerothian environment;
    3. The long-eared and bovine races, whose ultimate origins are not recorded by any surviving written sources.

    The Seed Races

    When the Lord God made the universe, there were no plants on the earth and no seeds had sprouted, because he had not sent any rain, and there was no one to cultivate the land...

    Then the Lord God took some soil from the ground and formed a man out of it; he breathed life-giving breath into its nostrils and the man began to live.

    Then the Lord God planted a garden in Eden, in the East, and there he put the man he had formed. He made all kinds of beautiful trees grow there and produce good fruit.

    Genesis 2:7-9, GNT

    Azeroth as it (mostly) is today started with the Ordering thereof. During this period, the Titans began shaping the natural features of a then chaotic world. At the same time, they created three so-called "Seed Races" from living stone, to inhabit the world: earthen, vrykul and giant. As they were made of stone, they were (in the Warcraft meaning of the word) immortal. In shaping Azeroth, the Titans encountered the Old Gods, who were innately evil and symbiotically attached to this world. In destroying the Old Gods, the Titans would also destroy Azeroth, so they were forced to imprison them deep below the surface.

    The "matrix" of nucleotide building blocks in DNA.

    However, the Old Gods were able to propagate the Curse of Flesh, a "matrix destabilisation". In effect, it softened many of the Seed Races, shortening their lifespans dramatically and rendering them mortal. In creating the earthen, the Titans went through three iterations. The Series One experiments were a failure, not only because the resulting form was well short of ideal, it also succumbed to the Curse. This species is currently known as the troggs. The Series Two experiments produced the intended form (that of the dwarves), but the results were still susceptible. The Titans succeeded with their goals with Series Three, giving birth to earthen proper. The earthen were able to withstand the Curse, and stay stone-like to the present.

    There was only one iteration of the vrykul, which succumbed to the Curse. They survive to this day.

    At some time after the Pantheon (the ruling council of the Titans) left Azeroth, Vrykul mothers gave birth to children who were noticeably smaller and physically weaker than normal. King Ymiron (vrykul society's head of state) ordered them culled, but many mothers opted to abandon them instead. These children were shipped off to the Eastern Kingdoms (they were inhabiting Northrend), where they developed as humans.

    Throughout Warcraft history, the Burning Legion (a demonic nation) have been trying to conquer Azeroth. In their third bid, their Supreme Commander Kil'jaeden converted the orc warlock Ner'zhul into the Lich King and tasked him with concocting a Plague of Undeath to (among others) be spread among the citizens of Lordaeron. Ner'zhul was successful, and was able to task Kel'thuzad with transporting it to the Eastern Kingdoms. There, Kel'thuzad formed the Cult of the Damned out of oppressed Lordaeron citizens and tasked them with propagating the Plague. It would kill the infected after a typical three days, then raise them as undead beings. These would do the bidding of the Lich King, as they had lost their free will in the raising process. The playable Forsaken undead regained their free will after a Nathrezim (dreadlord) raid on Lordaeron, which somewhat waned the hold of the Lich King over many of the undead.

    The giants were created by the Aesir (storm giant) Titans to help with shaping Azeroth during the Ordering and when the Titans left. The direct creations were the mountain and sea giants, who were respectively tasked with shaping mountains and seas. From the mountain giants developed the frost giants. The giants have mostly resisted the effects from the Curse of Flesh, though Archavon the Stone Watcher reports having felt a soft face on himself.

    The origins of the mechagnomes are currently unknown, though most have felt the destabilising effects of the Curse. These mechagnomes developed into the current gnomes. However, Gearmaster Mechazod found a way to cure affected gnomes of this Curse, effectively returning them to their robotic selves. Most gnomes would refuse this cure.

    The Aliens

    The eredar race originally lived on the planet Argus. However, Sargeras, a formerly Vanir (earth giant) Titan, was seeing a folly in the Pantheon's ways and started forming the Burning Legion to reverse their work. He offered the three eredar leaders (Archimonde, Kil'jaeden and Velen) great power in exchange for their loyalty. The former two accepted, and as a result much of eredar society transformed into the man'ari eredar, who joined the Burning Legion. Archie and KJ became high-ranking officers in it.

    Velen, being a prophet, foresaw horrid visions of the Legion's actions, and as a result was inclined against joining. Naturally, for conflict-of-interest reasons, Velen and the uncorrupted eredar under his care were forced to flee Argus and was chased throughout the Twisting Nether, hopping worlds until they managed to find the secluded Draenor. There, they developed into the draenei and coexisted with the native orcs.

    The Legion eventually found the draenei in Draenor. They introduced warlock magic to the orcs after appealing to them and their leader the then-shaman Ner'zhul. Orcs originally have brown skin, but exposure to such demonic magics will turn it green. This will occur even in orcs that do not practice such magic but are in regular proximity to practitioners.

    The Mag'har section of orc society remained untouched by corrupting fel energy. They lived in Garadar, which was originally intended as isolation from the red pox outbreak pre-dating the arrival of the Legion. Nonetheless, it also isolated these orcs from practising warlocks, and their skin remains brown to the present.

    The draenei fled again from Draenor, though some opted to stay behind. These draenei were particularly susceptible to demonic corruption, and many degenerated into the Broken and Lost Ones.

    Some orcs have also been drinking the corrupting blood of the pit lord Magtheridon. over time, this turns them into the current fel orcs, characterised by great physical strength, red skin and all manner of protrusions.

    The long-eared and bovine races

    The Zandalari trolls existed since the beginning of the world, though their creation is unknown. As troll society expanded, trolls started inhabiting different climates, eventually adapting to their respective environments. The ice trolls living in Northrend developed pale blue skin and hardy hair. The sand trolls living in Tanaris developed golden-yellow, coarse skin. The skin of forest trolls living in Lordaeron is able to support plant life. The skin of jungle trolls (of which the playable Darkspear trolls are part) is covered with nice, soft fur (they would be very nice to hug!) which produces a purple appearance.

    At the centre of pre-Sundering Azeroth lay a huge inland ocean called the Well of Eternity. It radiated arcane energy from the Twisting Nether and nourished all natural life. The night elves had developed on its shores, and there is a controversial theory that the Well's energies caused them to mutate from trolls. Nevertheless, the high elves are those night elves who utilised the Well's power in arcane magic. Abuse of such led to the Great Sundering, which tore the single continent into Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms and destroyed the Well of Eternity. Arcane magic being addictive, the high elves developed peach-coloured skin. The playable blood elves are those high elves that, instead of fighting the addiction, chose to continue gorging themselves with arcane, demonic and holy satisfaction.

    Some high elves were thrusted deep into the ocean during the Great Sundering. While some drowned, Queen Azshara secured an agreement with the Old Gods which allowed many to survive without air. These high elves became the naga.

    The tauren and taunka are ancient races existing before recorded history. They are believed to have been created by the Earth Mother. However, there are theories equating the Earth Mother to the night elf god Elune, Therazane the Stonemother, Alexstrasza the Life-Binder (leading the Dragon Aspects), the Vanir Titan Eonar the Lifebinder and the Titans in general.