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18 March 2015

Succeeding at giving way

A rolling mass of stone and earth is loose around the room, devouring anything, living or inanimate, in its path. Turning a corner, you breath a sigh of relief, having gained distance from the voracious being known as Oregorger. You are safe for now.

Unexpectedly, as if in an instant, the unstoppable goren zips to the intersection you just passed. Dazed by the collision against the wooden picket fence, it halts for a bit, although you know it will be mere seconds before it makes off again, almost certainly in your direction.

Run away: Turn to page 87
Try to run behind it: Turn to page 155
Turn the next corner: Turn to page 172

In the second phase of the Oregorger encounter in Blackrock Foundry, the namesake boss drops whatever it is doing and enters a Rolling Fury. At first it may seem random, but the motion observes a few very simple rules:
  • Oregorger cannot leave the paths between the piles of blackrock ore.
  • Oregorger does not backtrack.
  • Oregorger continues on even when it encounters the stone edge of the room, but stops at any wooden picket fence (surrounding the large piles of ore) in the way.
  • After stopping, Oregorger waits a bit before facing the direction it will roll, then some more before resuming rolling.
As a result of the third rule, if Oregorger enters a T-intersection through a non-terminating arm, it will continue on straight through the intersection.

The paths in the room can be visualised as forming inner and outer rings. Considering the above, Oregorger will enter the following pattern:
I, Oregorger, solemnly swear to obey the rolling pattern as depicted.

Paths along the inner ring are annotated in orange, those on the outer ring in red, and intersections in grey. It becomes apparent that, after stopping at an intersection, Oregorger faces only two choices as to the direction to go:
  • Roll clockwise along the inner ring, making no turns, until it hits a fence
  • Roll anti-clockwise along the outer ring, making two left turns, until it hits a fence.
Thus, you are in immediate danger of being rolled over if:
  • You are on the inner ring path branching clockwise from the intersection Oregorger is at
  • You are on the outer ring path branching anti-clockwise from the intersection Oregorger is at.
In distancing yourself from Oregorger, it is best to avoid either of these paths. Of course, which specific paths they are at any given time depend on where Oregorger is stopped.

If you do happen to find yourself on a path Oregorger will be taking:
  1. Run to the nearest intersection, even if Oregorger is there.
  2. Immediately pick a turn - any turn - and make it. Going straight through does not count.
  3. If Oregorger then decides to make its way in your direction, run behind it.
Given enough advance time, Oregorger should roll away harmlessly behind you.

Say you are at an intersection and, despite your best efforts avoiding it, Oregorger is about to catch up. To survive (relatively) unscathed:
  1. Clear the intersection, lingering just outside its square and avoiding the path Oregorger will be taking there.
  2. Once Oregorger stops at the intersection, immediately make your way behind it.
Oregorger should then roll away harmlessly behind you.

As if reading your mind, the thing rotates itself to face you. For what feels like eternity, you stare into its orange glowing eyes, confronted by its maniacal gaze and acridly acidic breath. As you try to make sense of its haphazard movement thus far, you decide to try to make it behind.

A burst of second wind propels you through the intersection. As you clear a turn right, almost brushing a leg abrasive as sandstone, the oversized goren ploughs its way through where you had been just moments ago. Peering around the corner, you breathe a sigh of relief as it rolls benignly away. You are safe... for now.

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