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Showing posts with label doomsday-influenza. Show all posts
Showing posts with label doomsday-influenza. Show all posts

26 June 2011

Doomsday: Pandemic

Earth is humanity’s cradle, but by no means can it completely harbour us from harm. Many risks threaten individual lives, but there are some catastrophic enough to wipe out entire species. Is it possible for the prolific human species to face extinction?

It is not good to be sick. At this day and age, the practice of medicine ensures that people stand a good chance of survivng all common illnesses. However, some diseases do pop up which no medical literature covers and against which no treatments exist. The burden then falls to the rest of society to contain its spread as a pandemic as scientists work frantically to develop a cure...

The Bible describes ten 'plagues' that befell the citizens of Ancient Egypt. Subjecting the Israelites to slavery, the Jewish God was accounted to have exacted His vengeance. The tenth plague, which finally convinced the Pharaoh to release the Israelites, was one which killed all firstborn sons in the kingdom. It is known that it was common practice to feed the firstborn son a double helping of grain, and with the ruin of their crops from the previous hailstorm and locust plagues, they needed to draw from supplies stored underground.