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10 June 2014

Gatecrash Investigation: A Wrinkle in Time [Documentary Transcript]

The trial of Garrosh Hellscream. The world's most wanted war criminal is due to answer for his many atrocities.

Lorewalker Pao: What a tense atmosphere it must have had! Needless to say, the whole thing was a powder keg ready to go off.

Suddenly, during Garrosh's crucial sentencing, a storm breaks out in the courtroom, with no apparent reason why. In the midst of the chaos, the Accused is nowhere to be found. Investigators are to uncover a minor flaw in the procedures and a plot to span the ages.

Anduin Wrynn: It felt quite surreal, to have held yourself as you died...


This is a true story. It is based on "official reports" and "eyewitness accounts".

N.B. Spoilers for World of Warcraft: War Crimes after the jump