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19 December 2011

A Day in the Life of a Dead Dragon

I am sorry, Elder Dragon, for slaying you, but you were terrorising the village of Riverwood and there was not much else that I could do. With the right to self-defense I am allowed to deploy as much force as necessary, but who knew it would need to be of lethal quantity?

Will you forgive me, enslaver of all mortal races? 'No', you contest? How about I make it up to you; let me keep you company for a day. Hopefully you will find it in (what remains of) your heart to do so, if you are not as mortified of the incident as you are right now.

You know what, dragon? No matter how hard I try, I cannot avoid absorbing a dragon's soul, and yours is no exception. Alas, you are stripped of what makes yourself you, and yes, I probably should apologise for that too...

What is this? You took out a Whiterun Guard? Shame on you, dragon; what did he ever do to you, besides attempting to bring you down himself? Perhaps my absorbing your very essence can serve as just punishment for such a heinous act of murder.

The village has started gathering, obviously transfixed by the sight of your skeleton. They have never seen a dragon before, and I cannot blame them; your kind has been absent from the face of Tamriel for centuries, after all. Perhaps you can spend your crippled days in a museum? That way, the citizens of Skyrim can afford their spectacle, and you enjoy the luxury of being polished. How is that for a deal?

Oh no, you seem to have landed on a chicken. Poor fowl! Now he (or she) is stuck, with no way out of his/her cage of bones until the wind shifts you ever so slightly.

Oh look, Stump (Hod and Gerdur's dog) has come over to play with you. Well, at least I think he wants to play with you. He seems to like you, a lot at that too. At least until you are moved to a museum, you have him to keep you company.

Wait a minute, do dogs not like bones? Could that be the reason for his playfulness, his licking at your hindlegs? Nah...

Now Dorthe and Frodnar have come over to play too. It is good that they are not horrified at your deathly visage. Want to join them in their game of tip? See if you can catch them! No? Why not? Do not give me the excuse that you are dead...

If they have not noticed the dead guard beside you, Dorthe's mother Sigrid has, for she is shocked at your criminal act! Despite a dead human within a stone's throw of her child, you would not think that Sigrid would move her away. And she has refused to move her away. Maybe Nords have become desensitised to gruesome and public death, with their culture emphasising the way of the Warrior...

Looks like Embry has left the Sleeping Giant Inn and opted to loiter where he usually does, on the Inn's verandah, despite a pile of dragon bones within sniffing distance! Well, he usually is drunk, so maybe he does not mind your stench?

It is lunch time now; how about I buy you something from the Inn? What would you like? Not hungry? Okay.

Well, us living beings need to eat, and Dorthe and Frodnar have taken a rest from their strenuous chasing game apparently to do just that. Embry has joined them too, having a loaf of bread for his lunch. And Stump? It is very nice of you to offer him something for his.

Lunch has finished now, and the children are back to playing. As for Embry, he as gone over to one of the Riverwood Trader building's pillars to lean on. All are still catching your body odour, so do not think that they are offended. Well, at least I do not think that they are offended...

Oh look, Embry has gone back to Dorthe and Frodnar. What could they be discussing? Your retirement plans? Gossiping about your affinity for canines? We may never know.

They have finished their discussion now, and Embry now has opted to lean on the Inn's fence. Gerdur passes by, and, unlike Sigrid, pays no heed to the dead guard! Good job hiding him; the Whiterun Guard may never know of your crime. Not that I endorse murder, of course.

The children have finished playing now, and Dorthe has gone over to his father Alvor. Do not worry, they are discussing her blacksmithing career. It is very important conversation, you know, as smithing is a very respectable way to make a living, and, well, Dorthe needs to make a living too.

Gerdur passes by again and this time notices the dead guard on the ground! What happened to your concealing skills? Maybe you should worry about being arrested. Maybe you will end up jailed in Dragonsreach? That is a dedicated facility for dragons, you know.

I am afraid that Frodnar and Stump have become bored of your company now, for they have joined Dorthe and Alvor. Dorthe has since finished the discussion about her employment prospects and all are now observing Alvor's work. This is valuable experience for Dorthe, so do not interrupt it by beckoning them back!

It has been overcast all day, and the cloud cover has finally cleared. Was the cloudiness of your doing? I am afraid that humans tend to prefer sunny days over cloudy ones. You should have done more to make your arrival more welcoming...

Darkness has fallen now, and parents wisely forbid their children to play out in it. Dorthe has returned home now, and Frodnar has went over for a visit. Alvor continues to work at the forge, possibly more alarmed of the prospect of another visit by a dragon. Even if you did not mean to cause harm, you have imparted on Riverwood a very bad impression of your kind, and future dragon visitors will find it harder to find welcome...

Dinner time! That is right, you are not hungry. Well, this is about when Riverwood villagers have dinner at the Inn. Oh look, Lucan and Camilla Valerius have passed by! It looks like they were not bothered by the dead guard. We would not want their appetite spoiled, after all.

Apparently, Alvor has been working overtime, as he is having his dinner late. Shame on you; you have placed on a poor (Nord) man an extra burden due to your scariness...

Last in, first out; Alvor leaves the Inn while the night is young, and this is all of your doing! Oh dear, he has noticed the guard you murdered, threatening to find whoever did it. It is good that the veil of night has compensated for your poor Sneaking level, for he has not seemed to notice you...

Lucan and Camilla have now finished their visit to the Inn, and are now on their way home. Keep up your sneaking, and you may just make it to that museum!

I really should be receiving my sleep now; hopefully the Inn has a vacant bed available. What? You do not want me to leave your company? Fine, I will sleep out in the bench over there. See you in the morning, then.

Good morning! Rise and shine! What? Awake all night? Looks like your death has thrown your sleeping cycle in disarray (or done away with it completely). Do not worry; you will eventually become accustomed to it.

Looks like Dorthe and Frodnar received a very good night's sleep, for they are very active this morning! Join in with their frivolities! Really, please do.

Riverwood is really gearing up (mind the Dwemer speak) for a busy day today. Alvor has just left his house and is now hard at work at the forge. Sigrid is tending the Inn's garden. Even Embry is up doing whatever beggars do.

And this is when I leave you, dragon. I hope you feel better now that you (hopefully) do not see me as a cold-blooded murderer, and that you do see your death as necessary. I now make a final appeal: please do not take my slaying you personally.

See you at an exhibit!

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