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19 December 2011

A Day in the Life of a Dead Dragon

I am sorry, Elder Dragon, for slaying you, but you were terrorising the village of Riverwood and there was not much else that I could do. With the right to self-defense I am allowed to deploy as much force as necessary, but who knew it would need to be of lethal quantity?

Will you forgive me, enslaver of all mortal races? 'No', you contest? How about I make it up to you; let me keep you company for a day. Hopefully you will find it in (what remains of) your heart to do so, if you are not as mortified of the incident as you are right now.

You know what, dragon? No matter how hard I try, I cannot avoid absorbing a dragon's soul, and yours is no exception. Alas, you are stripped of what makes yourself you, and yes, I probably should apologise for that too...

What is this? You took out a Whiterun Guard? Shame on you, dragon; what did he ever do to you, besides attempting to bring you down himself? Perhaps my absorbing your very essence can serve as just punishment for such a heinous act of murder.

The village has started gathering, obviously transfixed by the sight of your skeleton. They have never seen a dragon before, and I cannot blame them; your kind has been absent from the face of Tamriel for centuries, after all. Perhaps you can spend your crippled days in a museum? That way, the citizens of Skyrim can afford their spectacle, and you enjoy the luxury of being polished. How is that for a deal?