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09 March 2010

Reused Boss Mechanics

All boss encounters as respective wholes are unique, although there are several cases of encounters sharing mechanics. From a computer programming perspective, it is good practice when mechanics that work are adopted again and incorporated in a future encounter.

A veteran player might notice this over the time they have been playing. In fact, while they have progressed through World of Warcraft's many raids, they may have noticed the following commonalities...

Tail lashes
A staple of Dragonkin bosses, this is a knockback affecting those behind the boss and too near their tail. Bosses that have this ability include:

This ability deals a fixed amount of damage that is shared between all targets in a specific range from the "impact point". The first few additions of targets will reduce the per-target damage more than the last few. Graphed, the trend would be a rectangular hyperbola.
The rectangular hyperbola y = 1/x. In the case of per-target Meteor damage, the domain of interest is x > 1.

Bosses with this ability include:

Saber lash
Similar to meteor abilities, saber lashes are split up, but only between a maximum number of players. If n is the number of players, then there is an additional limit of x < n. Bosses with this ability include:

Grievous injuries
If a gushing wound is not closed promptly enough, the victim will die of blood loss. Similarly, a player under a grievous effect will continue to take damage from a DoT until healed to full. Bosses with this ability include:

This ability reduces the threat generated from actions by a certain percentage. This is good for damage dealers and healers, but not for tanks. Bosses with this ability include:

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