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30 September 2009

Five reasons to like (Northrend) Ghouls

World of Warcraft's portrayals of things are noticeably cartoony when compared to real life equivalents. Northrend ghouls (ghouls) are no different, being any combination of cute, adorable, cuddly, pitiable, likeable and silly.

1. Descent into undeath
These lumbering, rotting corpses were once innocent townsfolk who have made the final transition into true undeath... They are vicious creatures, retaining little of their humanity. The plague has torn away most of their memories, leaving only hunger and basic survival instincts in their place... Even those who were close to the individual in life have difficulty recognizing their loved one; the transformation removes most vestiges of humanity as well as identifying features of voice and body structure.

A Northrend ghoul. This particular one is a death knight's permaghoul.

2. Wacky hairdo
A ghoul's faded hair is arranged similar to a lion's mane. However, the upward-growing bunch is tied back into a ponytail. It would be typical to consider that an unlucky person's hair would have fallen out during the decrepification process. Alas, it remains attached and gives the ghoul a resemblance to a clown.

3. Intelligent speech
Some ghouls (particularly vendors and flight masters) are capable of speech. Unfortunately, their literacy is not quite up to the standard of that of player characters (ghouls use the pronoun "me" when they are supposed to use "I"!), and deserves pity (and maybe a few Common/Orcish lessons). However, the following line would likely elicit an "aww!":
Me like... shiny.
/script PlaySoundFile("Sound\\Creature\\NPCGhoul\\NPCGhoulVendor04.wav")

4. Running animation
While a ghoul always exhibits difficulty in their animations, their stride depicts it most effectively. When they run, they swing their arms sideways and much more than a human would while they are running. The ghoul's arms also seem locked in a bow shape during the motion, and there is blind determination in their face while they sprint forward. Poor ghoul!

5. Dental records
It would be typical to consider that a human's teeth would fall out during the decrepification process. Not only have ghouls retained them, they have actually grown larger! Do BRAINS have a high calcium content? This may merit an investigation!

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