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29 August 2010

Random Ramblings to 28 August 2010

Carriage return
A typed character that commands the computer to move the cursor to the beginning of the line in a word processor. It is created using the Enter/Return key, which also sends another character that commands the computer to move the cursor to a new line. It is named after the lever on a typewriter, which performs both functions on a typewritten document.

26 August 2010

Volumes of Tori and Pyramids

The volume of some solids can be found intuitively (e.g. for a right rectangular prism, V = lbh). However, some more exotic solids will require calculus for their volumes to be found.

Two such solids are the torus (donut) and rectangular pyramid. The former's volume can be found, possibly among others, using the technique of volume by rotation, and the latter's with volume by cross-section. These techniques will be used for deriving the formulae for the volumes of the respective solids. In summary:
  • Volume of torus = 22r2
  • Volume of rectangular pyramid = 1/3abh