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17 July 2010

The Stuff of Sensations

With the senses of sight and hearing, a person can see colour and hear sound, respectively. So many hues and timbres exist, yet both are composed of basic elements and can be constructed by combining them in special ways.

  • Sensing body part: Eyes. The lens and cornea focus light to fall on a surface of rods and cones, the pattern of which is sent to the brain as electrical impulses.
  • Element: Primary colour
  • Medium: Colourants (usually ink) on a white surface, or light on a black surface
  • Types of element: For colourants, cyan (reflected blue and green light), magenta (reflected red and blue light) and yellow (reflected green and red light) (practical implementations also use black), although the fine arts has traditionally used blue, red and yellow (which alone cannot theoretically produce black). For light, red (long-wavelength visible light), green (mid-wavelength visible light) and blue (short-wavelength visible light).

15 July 2010

Halian Geometry

The Halion encounter in the Ruby Sanctum requires careful positioning and movement in order to conquer it. Certain principles of geometry can help greatly with this endeavour, so it helps to be acquainted with them! Even if they will not be used in actually formulating strategies (since strategies will conveniently be recommended here), it is good to see how they were derived.

Circles and their radii
A circle is a (plane) shape where all points on its perimeter (the circumference) are the same distance from a single point (the centre). A radius is any straight line drawn from the centre to the circumference. Because of the definition of a circle, all radii are of the same length.